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01 June 2010

The stories behind: The Beatles “Yesterday & Today” album cover

How a joke by the Fab Four had collectors smelling green.

Gambar 1: The album cover (outer sleeve)

Album kompilasi rilis pada Jun 1966 dgn cover artwork yg penuh kontroversi (White butcher, decapitated dolls, fake eyes, false teeth and bloody raw meat). Ini adalah percubaan pertama by the Fab Four utk mengikis imej bersih mereka (Mop hair + black suit) but, in 1966 the public wasn’t ready dgn imej yg agak gore ini.

Idea utk cover tersebut dicetuskan oleh Lennon yg memberi gambaran simbolik terhadap peperangan di Vietnam ketika itu. Manager mereka (Brian Epstein) tidak meluluskan imej tersebut & ianya digantikan dgn imej mereka yg spt. biasa; clean cut & smiley faces (lihat gambar 2). Akan tetapi, oleh kerana kesuntukan masa 750,000 copies of the butcher album artwork telah pun dipress & dihantar kepada distributors.

Gambar 2: The replacement album cover (outer sleeve)

Seperti yg dijangkakan, cover tersebut mendapat kritikan & kutukan hebat daripada public. Meskipun begitu, pada tahun 2000 harga piring hitam (with butcher image) telah mencecah USD20,000 (RM64,000)….memang kejam. Now is 2010, and I think the price could reach up to USD35,000 to USD45,000. So, it is a fortune bagi mereka yg diluar sana memiliki album ini. Sebagai rumusan, sometimes the record cover speaks for itself. It is not because of the songs di dalam album tersebut, but the butcher cover artwork that cause fans just to fantasize of owning the record.

*Concept & Photography for the butcher album cover: Robert Whitaker
*Rujukan: Scapelliti C. Revolver Magazine (2000)


deaf-angel said...

baca ni baru aku tahu. thanks for sharing..interesting tau

record12inci said...

Welcome deaf_angel

Dean_Acid_Rain said...

inspirasi kepada carcass ni... hahahaha