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06 September 2010

The Beatles - White Album

Intro: Rilis pada tahun 1968 & merupakan album official mereka yg ke-9 selepas album Sgt Pepper. Album ini dihasilkan selepas kematian pengurus mereka (Brian Epstien) & merupakan rilis pertama mereka dibawah label Apple Records. Charles Manson (cult figure) was heavily influence by this album. Manson berulang kali mendengar lagu didalam album ini (e.g. Helter Skelter) sebelum merancang pembunuhan secara berkumpulan di U.S.
Artwork: This not the mono numbered album (harga dah konfom meletop-letop). Yg ni stereo version and with 4 pin ups, large poster dan inner lirik. The outer sleeve is white with band name embossed onto the sleeve.
Sleeve Concept: by Richard Hamilton (cetusan idea yg kontra dari artwork sgt. pepper) & fotografi by John Kelly.
Pressing: 1968, Apple Records (UK)